This was way before the wonderful work started by our dear Virginia, which is so enlightening and helpful for TV's everywhere today.

During the late thirties I travelled around the country a great deal, mostly staying at the YMCA's. And while actively participating in their sports program, I always had my feminine underthings, nighties, etc, with me. Occasionally I would dress for new friends, but always in my room. I imagine the cleaning women must have wondered about finding dresses, bras, panties, slips, etc, in my dresser or closet, but they never said anything. Usually, they were very friendly tow- ards me, perhaps feeling a womanly sympathy or un- derstanding.

Unfortunately, I never seemed to take pictures in those days. If there were any, the contrast with the new ones taken during the past few years would be most interesting. In 1951 a boy friend and his wife helped me dress, and we made a movie. While very amateur- osh by any standards, it still gives me a lot of laughs even today. I almost never tried to go out of my altho'the few times I did were successful. A A downtown movie with another boy and two girls--a visit to a Hamburger place in an automobile with a couple. All in all, I was more the "stay at home, " type of girl. That attitude, fortunately, for me thr- ough those early years when the heart wanted to " go, "" but the head said " NO!!"

room- --

I came East in 1931, and shortly thereafter met, and married a very fine girl from a poor but honest South- hern family. She was naive, devoted and really a won- derful girl in many ways, but, but, but, she was overly religious to the point where anything that she couldn't find in detailed blue print of in her church work, was either sacrilegious, immoral, or bad for one. As a result, many wonderful opportunities which could have been open to us for physical, moral, and social enjoyment, were tightly closed, due to her bigoted attitude. She knew all about my " other life" for years, caught me dressed up many times, always made scenes, never would talk with me about it.
